Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blood Colored Glasses

Have you ever heard the phrase "seeing the world through rose colored glasses"? It is interesting to look through glasses like these. Everything looks warmer and happier. This, however, is only a temporary illusion for as long as we are looking through the glasses and is not a reflection of what the world is really like.

God, however, looks at those who has received His Son as Lord and Savior through blood colored glasses. We are seen through the blood of Christ who has redeemed us. We are seen as more than conquerors though Christ who loves us. We are seen as over comers. We are seen for our potential and for the good in us rather than for a product of our past failures.

I recently read a story of somebody who started out her life on some pretty rough ground. She married an alcoholic and then divorced. She sold most of what she had to feed herself in her children while being jobless. She used to run to alcohol and drugs to cope with the shortcomings in her own life and she was ready to give up herself.

This woman was ready to die and leave her children to somebody else that she believed could take better care of them. She saw herself as worthless and saw all of the things that she had sold or given up in order to just get by. She was left with what she calls a heartbeat in a corner.

This same woman went to see her counselor. She told her about all this and her counselor reminded her of how God sees her. This woman sees herself for what she was and a product of what has happened in her life. Thank God for a counselor who reminded her of how God sees her. For God knew of where she had been and saw her as a lost prodigal who was about to come home and come to know him again.

Through God's leading and direction, this woman found a strong christian home to live in while she got back on her feet. Through God's direction, she came back to know again the husband of her youth and after divorce proceedings, is back together with him again. She is a prodigal that came home. You can read this woman's full story at

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