Saturday, September 12, 2009


I have finally decided to create a blog and join the blogging community. I honestly don't know at this point how far I will take this blog or how often I will update it. I suppose only time will tell on that one.

The purpose of this blog is to share about different things in my life but I want the main focus to be on the Word of God. I want to proclaim God's Word anywhere I can and say what I learn. I want to be proof in this world that God is real and show what a relationship with him brings. I will also be honest. I may share about past events that I think of and I may share about plans and ambitions.

So now, a little about me. I am the son of a couple that is still together after over 30 years together. I am married to the woman of my dreams who also has a blog at I have a sister who married her high school sweetheart and we are almost exactly 3 years apart from each other. I was born in the late 70's, so I am around 30 now. I'm also greek. If you have seen Big Fat Greek Wedding, you pretty much have my parents. I work in an office environment with my wife and we both do side businesses with me doing computers and her doing photography and we both help out with the other's business.
I go to a church called Living Word Christian Church and am very active there now. I was, however, actually raised in an Eastern Orthodox church and went there until I was about 21.

I read my Bible everyday. It took effort at first and for awhile, I kind of had to make myself do it. Now I look forward to doing it. I never used to understand how people could cling to their bible as if it were a best friend or a pet. I've been amazed to find myself now doing the same thing myself.

I used to watch a lot of television and used to enjoy an MTV show called Road Rules. I remember an episode where a girl was panicking when they had a challenge to go off by themselves for a night and wasn't allowed to take her Bible with her. She asked to leave anything behind as long as she could take her Bible. I didn't understand that then, but now I do. I have also begun to learn the importance of putting the word of God in me when I don't need it so that it will be there when I do.

So that gives a bit of background. Now I live in a partially finished renovated home with my wife and 4 cats and 2 salamanders and various bugs as they find their way into our house until they get eaten by one of our cats. I am blessed to have a father that is helping us a great deal in doing the work here even coming up when we are not home and working.

I suppose that is enough for now. I will share more about myself later as I post more things.

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